The Change Constant & Relational Agility in Leadership

'We live in Turbulent Times...'

'Uncertainty plagues us.'

#ai #newtechnology #metaverse #digitaltransformations #changeconstant

Change is not new. Change has always been a major factor throughout history. Nothing has remained the same since 1990, or even since the dawn of time. 

Leaders are being called to change their Leadership Style due to this new wave of technological "change". Yet change is the constant every Leader should expect. In fact the ability to embrace, trigger and lead through change should be core competency that they possess to some extent, then continuously and actively develop in the role.

So is change the only reason why the pressure has increased for Leaders to pay attention?

I really don't think so. Look around, people are speaking up more than ever before. They have more avenues to express their opinions, call out their leaders, and demand a different approach to leadership. Alternatively, they may silently quit. Where certain behaviours from CEOs were overlooked they are now spotlighted, not just through word of mouth but by but through advanced data analytics.

With the continuous advancement of experience management platforms, we are able to measure with increasing accuracy and justify how the quality of leadership impacts the bottom line, how it impedes on productivity and how it impacts progression on many systemic levels. We are able to see this data through time and ask more questions. Even the quiet quitters voice is represented, including employees, stakeholders and customers.

In my experience when employees talk about their CEO's technical ability, it usually boils down to statements like "They know their stuff" or "They have an engineering background.", "They used to be an (insert previous expertise)".

How OFTEN do you hear "Our CEO's coding style is impeccable". They want the technical skill, to know that their CEO knows what they’re talking about, but they also want to relate to them.

So YES it is important that the technical knowledge and experience is present. However for the Leader who needs to rally the masses it is usually how well they can authentically relate with their people (and vice versa), at the same time unite them under the same vision and, spark mass extrinsic and intrinsic motivation!

Think of the most influencial leaders. They know their trade. People find them relatable even even through tough times and tough decisions. The mere mention of their name and it triggers a feeling of trust, respect and loyalty.

So how do you ensure your CEO or Leadership Team comes into the role with these qualities along with the technical ones you most value, and continuously refines these?

1. It starts with a carefully designed and methodical assessment during the Selection Process - this is the door to your organisation. Once in, the ripple effect begins.

2. Focus your Development Programs on Relational Agility and Emotional Intelligence - a Growth Mindset knows that there's always room to improve. Always.

And if you’re not sure where to start I can guide you through the process. Together, we can create a leadership team that combines technical prowess with the ability to unite, lead and inspire.

Please Note: Whilst in this article I place the spotlight on Leaders, I am a strong advocate for Self Leadership. This is not an opening for individuals to defer accountability. It is most important to recognise that we all have a role to play in thriving vocations and organistions.


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