Kylie Perrin
Transformational Coach for Leaders, Facilitator and Founder of The Inspirational Leader
Kylie Perrin is an authentic, transformational leadership coach for leaders on a mission to make an incredible impact doing what they love. Kylie supports leaders to create an inspiring strategic direction, whilst building an emotional bond and clarity of expectations with their team, so that they collaboratively breakthrough goals and achieve significant results as a team. She helps leaders to understand their strengths and drivers, as well as holding a mirror up to how they can improve. Building a strong foundation of trust and constructively challenging leaders to take inspired action, so that they can level up their leadership capability and really make a difference.
For over 20 years, Kylie has coached and developed hundreds of leaders from emerging to Senior Executives, across a range of industries including Federal and State Government, FMCG, Medical Devices, Food and Beverage, Hospitality, Telecommunications, Industrial products, Not for Profit. She has delivered great outcomes for large and small companies including The Department of Agriculture, Transport for NSW, Lion, Fujifilm and Vodafone.
Kylie is a Certified HR Practitioner (CAHRI), with a Bachelor of Business in Organisational Psychology and Human Resources, along with accreditation in the Neuroscience of Leadership and Peak Performance (NeuroTREAD). She is also accredited in a number of assessment tools (including Human Synergistics and Predictive Index), that help to bring out profound ‘aha’ moments.
Meet the Consortium
Norell Naidoo
Proleadership Founder, Leadership Coach and Psychologist (M.ORG PSY)
George Konstantin
Management Consultant, Facilitator, Leadership Coach and Founder of iD8Pi (Sydney)
Kylie Perrin
Transformational Coach for Leaders, Facilitator and Founder of The Inspirational Leader (Sydney)
Liz Nair
Executive Coach, Facilitator and Founder of Attivo Consulting (Canberra)